Rethinking Reservoirs

Rethinking Reservoirs_Community Update_May 2019
Rethinking Reservoirs Community Update Feb-Mar 2019
Second Meeting of Rethinking Reservoirs Project
Call For Steering Committee Members
Future Use of the Reservoirs for Poowong and Korumburra
Planning for the next and final stage of the Lance Creek Water Connection has begun – looking at options to recycle the reservoirs. As the Lance Creek Water Connection, progresses South Gippsland Water is now looking to the community to assist in determining the future use of the reservoirs that currently supply water to Korrumburra, Poowong, Loch and Nyora.
Existing Assets
Four existing reservoirs located across the area will no longer be required by South Gippsland Water and the Corporation is looking to the community to help determine future uses.
The four reservoirs vary in location and size.
Poowong is supplied by the Little Bass Reservoir, adjacent to Soldiers Road Poowong, 226 mega litre.
Korumburra’s water is currently supplied by:
- Belleview Creek Reservoir, rural location, 359 mega litre capacity
- Coalition Creek Reservoir, adjacent to the Korumburra Golf Club, 143 mega litre capacity
- Ness Gully Reservoir, rural location, 73.5 mega litre capacity
Regulations and Safety
Managing a reservoir comes with a range of regulations and complexities, subject to stringent dam safety requirements; there are three potential outcomes for each reservoir:
- To remain in their current state
- To operate at lower levels with reduced or no safety requirements
- For the dam wall to be removed and the water course returned to original state.
Fact Sheets and Background Information
South Gippsland Water has been working with a community and stakeholder reference group with the objective to further understand the complexities of potential future uses, and seek guidance as to the repurposing of the local reservoirs as a community and/or regional asset. It is envisaged this process will run to June 2019.
A first meeting was held on the 7 November 2018 where all options of future use, including their challenges, were explored. The wider community is invited to submit ideas by completing the form below and submitting to by the 1 December 2018.
Idea Generation form – word version
For further information contact Ros Griggs on 5682 0422