System Connections For Water Security
Tuesday, February 27th, 2018
Construction of the Lance Creek Water Connection pipeline is progressing with 17km of construction corridor cleared, graded and fenced, and a total of 10km of pipe installed adjacent to the Korumburra-Wonthaggi Road between Kongwak and Korumburra.

The Lance Creek Water Connection is a key Victorian Government project to be delivered by South Gippsland Water that will secure the water supply needs of Korumburra, Poowong, Loch and Nyora over the next 50 years. The project has two sections; a 20km pipeline from the Lance Creek Reservoir to the Korumburra Water Treatment Plant and a 9km pipeline from Korumburra to the Poowong Water Treatment Plant.
Philippe du Plessis, Managing Director for South Gippsland Water said, “Preliminary site works for pipeline construction on the Korumburra–Poowong section began this month. Survey work is being carried out along the alignment corridor and pipe is currently being delivered to site in preparation for excavation work.”
“Earthworks and the laying of pipe for this section is scheduled to begin in early March, locals will see increased activity on the ground between Korumburra and Poowong. Crews are preparing the construction corridor by installing access points off Korumburra-Warragul Road, carrying out fencing and survey works, and commencing earthworks.”
Large trucks will be entering and exiting the construction corridor. Traffic management controls will be in place on the Korumburra-Warragul Road to minimise disruption and maximise safety.
Work less visible to passers-by is the installation and construction of infrastructure associated with the treatment of higher volumes of water to service the pipeline and to pump water across some of the area’s steep terrain.
New pump stations being constructed at the Lance Creek and Korumburra Water Treatment Plants will be capable of pumping 140 litres per second and 30 litres per second respectively. Power upgrades are also needed and solar power is likely to be utilised to help augment capacity in the future.
At Lance Creek Water Treatment Plant improvements are well underway to enhance capacity to treat and process the greater volumes of water required to service the pipeline.
“As a result, in the short-term, customers in Wonthaggi, Inverloch and Cape Paterson who are currently supplied by the Lance Creek Water Treatment Plant, may notice a change in the taste and smell of their water supply,” explained Mr Du Plessis.
“Water Treatment Operators will do their utmost to ensure that the water supplied has minimal noticeable change in taste and smell. As always, water will remain safe to drink throughout the changes at the Lance Creek Water Treatment Plant.”
These alterations to the treatment regime will ensure that customers at both the start and the end of our distribution system are provided with an effectively treated, world-class water supply.
To find out more about the Lance Creek Water Connection and to receive regular updates, visit the Project page at Also follow us on Facebook and Twitter @SthGippsWater
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Photo Caption
The installation of infrastructure to connect the new pipeline to the existing Lance Creek Water Treatment Plant in preparation for supply to Korumburra, Poowong, Loch and Nyora in 2019.