Rethinking Reservoirs – Planning Partnership Continues
Monday, February 11th, 2019
The second meeting of the Rethinking Reservoirs project was held in Korumburra Wednesday 6th February 2018.
With the commissioning of the Lance Creek Water Connection, four existing reservoirs are now no longer needed for drinking water purposes; the meeting followed on from the November 2018 session where a range of possibilities and themes for the four sites were explored.
The reservoirs are located adjacent to the townships of Poowong and Korumburra and vary in accessibility and size. Individual attributes of the sites will play a large part in determining their future uses.
Activities identified at the first meeting included recreational uses such as fishing, water sports and walking tracks amongst the surrounding lands. Environmental benefits for river health, biodiversity, cultural, economic and regional benefits were also identified.
Information including dam safety requirements, case studies on decommissioned dam across the state, and complexity of public land management was provided to assist in forming a view of the potential use for each site. The identified themes were then cross referenced with further challenges and regulatory requirements to inform discussions.
The reservoirs will not operate at their current water level in the years to come, the planning process underway is investigating the required works to achieve an acceptable balance between community preference, regulatory requirements and cost. The work completed on Wednesday further refined the existing thought processes to provide a clear community and stakeholder position for South Gippsland Water to include in this process.
Managing Director Philippe du Plessis commented, “South Gippsland Water is now investigating the works required to secure Coalition Creek, Ness Gully, Little Bass and Bellview reservoir sites for the long term. It is important that community and stakeholder expectations are understood as a first step to inform this important planning process”.
It is envisaged this first planning process will run to June 2019 with a recommendation presented to the South Gippsland Water Board of Directors. The Corporation is committed to keeping all interested persons up to date, Thank you to groups and individuals who have participated to date. Further information can be found via the Corporation web site

Photo: Attendees at the second meeting of the Rethinking Reservoirs Project