Local Organisations Team Up For Summer Sippers Campaign
Thursday, January 24th, 2019
South Coast Water Partnership – Local Organisations Team Up For Summer Sippers Campaign
With heatwave conditions being experienced across the country already this summer, 9 local organisations have teamed up to help get the message out across South Gippsland and Bass Coast to stay hydrated this summer and that tap water is the drink of choice.
Over recent years the two local councils Bass Coast and South Gippsland Shire Councils along with health organisations Bass Coast Health, Southern Gippsland Health, South Gippsland Hospital, South Coast Primary & Community Partnership and GippSport, South Gippsland and Westernport Water Corporations have all been working together to promote water as the top pick for keeping healthy and hydrated.
The #SummerSippers social media campaign being run throughout the month of February is a great opportunity to re-inforce that right across our region we have many locations to re-fill a drink bottle or grab a glass of nature’s finest beverage. Water is the smart choice for your health, environment and hip pocket.
It’s all too easy to buy a single use plastic bottle of sugary drink, but when it comes to your health and hydrating your body on hot summer days, water is more beneficial. It doesn’t have empty calories and won’t rot your teeth. Refill a bottle and you’re helping the environment too, over 50% of plastic bottles end up as landfill or litter. Last but not least, re-filling your bottle is cheap! You can re-fill from the tap hundreds and thousands of times for the cost of buying one single bottle of water.
So this summer, Be Smart Choose Tap! #SummerSippers – proudly brought to you by the South Coast Water Partnership.

Pictured at the Inverloch Hub drinking fountain, some of the water partnership team
L:R: Front: Rachael Sands – South Gippsland Hospital & Bass Coast Health, Gene Parini – GippSport.
Back: Rebecca Scott – South Coast Primary & Community Partnership, Amy Van Kuyk – South Gippsland Water, Vicki Bradley – South Gippsland Shire Council and Sarah Green – Gippsland Southern Health.