Inverloch Probus Tours Lance Creek Reservoir
Tuesday, June 27th, 2017
On Thursday 22nd June a group of intrepid Inverloch Probus members made their way to Lance Creek to tour the Reservoir and Water Treatment Plant. The group were particularly interested in understanding where their water comes from and what goes on behind the scenes to treat the water before it is piped to their homes in Inverloch.
Lance Creek Reservoir and Water Treatment Plant is South Gippsland Water’s largest water supply system, supplying approximately half of all South Gippsland Water’s customer base including Inverloch, Cape Paterson and Wonthaggi customers. At 4,200ML the reservoir is the largest of all the Corporation’s storages and is nestled in the hills between the coast and Korumburra at Lance Creek.
The group was given a tour by plant operators Damien Stefani, Will Egan and Ash Turner and from all accounts the plant operators enjoyed showing off their workplace and the passion for their job as much as the Probus group enjoyed hearing all about the work they do.
The Lance Creek Water Treatment Plant utilises a DAFF process of Dissolved Air Flotation Filtration. Micro air bubbles are pumped through the water to float particles and impurities off the water’s surface before it is filtered and treated. This process provides a great visual of just what is removed from the water during the treatment process.
South Gippsland Water welcomes community groups and schools to tour its facilities and can tailor to the needs of the group. Interested groups should contact the Communications Team on 1300 851 636 to discuss their interest in a tour of their local facility.

Members of the Inverloch Probus Club standing on the dam wall whilst touring the Lance Creek Reservoir