Improving Dumbalk’s water pressure

Tuesday, July 16th, 2024

Dumbalk residents should see their water pressure improve after we install a new booster pump at the Dumbalk Water Treatment Plant later this month.

We’re investing $195,000 to upgrade Dumbalk’s water supply system. This is part of our ongoing commitment to continue delivering quality, sustainable water and wastewater services to the region.

The project is designed to make Dumbalk’s water pressure more reliable. It will also let us bypass water from the tower during planned and unplanned maintenance, meaning fewer interruptions of the town’s water supply.

Dumbalk residents may experience brief, minor interruptions to their water pressure while the newly installed pump is being tested, but this will only temporary.

South Gippsland Water Acting Managing Director, Liz Rowland, said South Gippsland Water first commissioned the Dumbalk water tower in the 1960s.

“Today, we need to ensure we continue to supply water pressure to the standard set by the Water Services Association of Australia,” she said.

These renewal works are a high priority to keep the system working. The pump station will consist of three pumps. The pump station will now be able to read the downstream discharge pressure and automatically adjust to maintain adequate pressure.

“Water pressure impacts everything from your morning shower to efficiently operating appliances like dishwashers and washing machines,” Ms Rowland said. “We are excited to have the capacity to upgrade Dumbalk’s water pump systems that will increase the longevity of our infrastructure while improving residents’ quality of life.”

Follow the South Gippsland Water Facebook page and website for project updates.
