Be waterwise this summer

Friday, December 15th, 2023

The Bureau of Meteorology is predicting January to March rainfall is likely to be below average across south-east Australia.


While recent rain in our region means our storages are close to full we’re still asking all our communities to be waterwise this summer and follow Victoria’s Permanent Water Saving Rules.


South Gippsland Water Managing Director Robert Murphy said water remained a valuable commodity in our region with additional pressure placed on our systems during the busy holiday period.


“We’ve just completed our water security outlook for the coming year. While things are looking good there are number of systems we’re keeping a close eye on, including our river systems, as drier conditions approach.”


“By everyone obeying the Permanent Water Saving Rules, such as watering gardens between 6pm and 10am, not using water to wash driveways, you can help us ensure we keep our water supplies in check.”


You can find the full list of Permanent Water Saving Rules on our website .


During summer there is also a potential that we may experience blue-green algae events in our reservoir systems that supply water to townships such as Fish Creek, Foster, Leongatha, Wonthaggi, Inverloch, Cape Paterson, Korumburra, Poowong, Loch and Nyora.


Given this we closely monitor these systems and consider treatment options as required. If there is any impact to customers in our water systems, we will notify customers as soon as possible.


South Gippsland Water wishes all its valued customers, communities, staff and families, a safe and happy Christmas.


We look forward to working with you in 2024 to continue to provide the reliable water and wastewater services you want, with your support.