Be Smart & Choose Tap for National Water Week
Monday, October 12th, 2015
This National Water Week, October 18 to 24, South Gippsland Water staff are Choosing Tap and challenging themselves to drink more water with the VicHealth H30 Challenge.

South Gippsland is blessed to have tap water sourced from the rolling green hills and picturesque rivers and creeks throughout our region. Its then clarified and treated to ensure it meets Australia’s national drinking water standards. So customers can be assured that drinking tap water is a healthy choice to make for themselves and their families.
South Gippsland Water are not the only ones who think drinking tap water is a great idea. VicHealth has the H30 Challenge where people are encouraged to switch sugary drinks for tap water for 30 days.
We all know water is good for us and essential for life; it aids digestion, allows us to absorb nutrients and keeps us hydrated, but there are other benefits for choosing tap water and taking on the H30 Challenge;
- Avoiding juices and sugary soft drinks and you could have stronger healthier teeth
- Choosing to drink more water can kick start weight loss, with less empty calories being consumed by sweet drinks
- You could save money. How much are you spending on buying sugary drinks? You can drink water all week and it will cost you mere cents, straight out of the tap
- You can reduce your impact on the environment. Tap water doesn’t generate packaging waste. Use a reusable bottle and you can fill up straight from the tap, avoiding plastic bottles in landfill
So this National Water Week, Be Smart Choose Tap!
The VicHealth H30 Challenge is free to participate and you can sign up online:
Photo: L:R: South Gippsland Water staff with their Choose Tap drink bottles: Amy Van Kuyk, Brea Robb, Rob McKaige, Antionette Moar, Paula Smith, Ros Griggs and Bree Wiggins.