Help our water meter readers

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South Gippsland Water will be reading the water meter at over 22,300 homes throughout the region this July.

The organisation reads water meters three times a year (March, July and November) with an estimated increase of 100 new households with every read.

Reading water meters helps South Gippsland Water ensure residents are being charged the correct amount for their water usage. It can also help detect potential water leaks sooner and shows households their water consumption habits.

South Gippsland Water Acting Managing Director, Liz Rowland, said the amount of water we used in our homes could make a big contribution to our carbon footprint.

“The way we do our laundry, clean our dishes and wash our cars all has a surprising and largely unnoticed impact on the climate,” she explained. “Small changes to the way we use water may help protect the freshwater environment while saving on our household’s water bills.”

Property owners are responsible for always keeping the water meter accessible. This can be done by maintaining the area around the water meter so that it is safe, easy to find and easy to read. Prune or remove overgrown plants, clear mulch or soil to ensure the meter is above ground and consider how the meter reader will get access if you have a locked gate, electric fence or pets.

“These simple actions will make the reading of meters quick and easy, and help keep your accounts as accurate as possible,” Ms Rowland said.

Where it cannot obtain a meter reading, South Gippsland Water will estimate water use.

“This is good news for customers,” Ms Rowland explained. “Previously when we couldn’t read your meter, we would just bill you for your water use on your next account. Now, with estimated accounts, payments are smoothed out over the year.”

Learn more about Estimated Reads here Customers can download this factsheet to learn how to read their water meter.

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