Land Development

Generally any development of land, redevelopment of land or subdivision of land will require the provision of water and sewerage services.

South Gippsland Water’s Land Development Manual (LDM) details the policies, procedures and standard practices associated with land development, subdivisions and connection to water and sewerage services within South Gippsland Water’s service area.

The Land Development Manual has been written to provide a detailed guide for engineering consultants, developers, landowners, surveyors and councils involved in land development within South Gippsland Water’s area of responsibility.

Land Development Manual

Pressure Sewer System Guidelines – A Development Guide

This guideline focuses on providing guidance on South Gippsland Water requirements for developing land within our designated townships that are serviced through a pressure sewer collection system.

It contains details of the servicing requirements, design, construction, quality and audit processes for any land development activities within the townships of Alberton, Loch, Nyora and Poowong, including the installation of all on-property assets.

Pressure Sewer System Guidelines

Buildover Requirements

  • Are you intending to construct a new building or carry out works on your land?
  • Do you know if you have sewer or water assets within your title?
  • Did you know that not all sewer or water mains are located within registered easements, and therefore they will not be shown on your certificate of title?
  • Assets are not always located in the centre of an easement.
  • Location of assets within adjoining properties should also be considered when designing boundary to boundary or where ground anchors will be utilised.

If works are intended to be constructed over a sewer easement or within 1.0m of a South Gippsland Water asset, you must seek approval prior, to carry out the work. Please note that in certain circumstances approval may not be given.

It is the owner/developers responsibility to confirm the actual location of assets where necessary. This will ensure that customers avoid the cost and inconvenience of removing structures which may impede access to an asset for maintenance.

Approval can be sought from the Corporation by lodging the relevant application form. Should approval be given landowners are required to enter into a Deed of Agreement and Consent with the Corporation.

To find out more details or confirm location of assets, please contact our office on 03 5682 0482 or email

Application to Build or Retain a Structure over Assets and or Easements Form
Build Over Quick Reference Guide Form
Guidelines for Build Overs

New Customer Contributions

New customer contributions are charged when new connections are made to the water corporation’s water, sewerage and recycled water networks.

These contributions apply to each additional lot created by subdivision, including body corporate, multi-unit and dual occupancy developments.

> New Customer Contribution Tariffs & Prices

Development in Open Potable Water Catchments

Water corporations may be referred planning applications by municipal councils, under the Planning and Environment Act, when a planning application has the potential to impact on water quality in a Special Water Supply Catchment Area (declared under the Catchment and Land Protection Act), to prevent negative impacts on water quality used to supply treated water to towns and industry.

Land use and development in areas that are not serviced by reticulated sewage can pose a high risk to water quality, and South Gippsland Water has a responsibility to protect our customer’s water supply, from catchment to tap.

The following documents will assist planning applicants, where their property falls within a Special Water Supply Catchment:
EPA Code of Practice Onsite Wastewater Management 891.4 July 2016
Planning Permits in Open Potable Water Supply Catchment Areas Guidelines 2012 (DEPI) 
Fact Sheet_Planning Permits In Open Potable Water Supply Catchment Area 2012 
MAV-Model Land Capability Assessment Report 2006
Guidance Note for Determining Dwelling Density (Vic Water)
Map of Proclaimed Water Catchment Areas (1.2mb)
Catchment and Water Supply Protection Policy PWR-024
Water Supply Catchment Development and Land Use Guidelines Information NWR-025

Accredited Consultants

The design and construction of extensions to water and sewer mains are undertaken by consultants accredited by us. The property owner is required to employ a consultant to: design and cost the project, supply materials, and arrange construction of works using accredited contractors to our standards and specifications.

The consultants on the Accredited Consultants List have been approved by the Corporation to undertake engineer design and superintending of land development works in relation to water and sewer water assets.

Accredited Consultants

Accredited Contractors

South Gippsland Water infrastructure must be constructed by accredited contractors.

If you are undertaking works which, in the future, will become South Gippsland Water assets (e.g. extending a water main) you must use contractors approved by us.

To become an accredited contractor, applicants need to demonstrate they are suitably qualified and licenced and provide evidence outlining experience, skills and knowledge applicable to carrying out works on South Gippsland Waters infrastructure.

To apply for accreditation download the Application Form below. Submit the application form with supporting documents to the Corporation for assessment. You will be advised in writing the outcome of your accreditation application.

Approved Development Contractor Application Form

Approved contractors List – July 2024