Price Submission 2023 – 2028
Pricing Review
South Gippsland Water are required to prepare a Price Submission to the Victorian economic regulator for water, the Essential Services Commission (ESC). The Price, Services, Future Plan sets out our water and sewerage prices, activities and service standards for a five year regulatory period 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2028.
The submission is based on feedback received from customers, the ESC approved our five-year plan in June 2023.
The process of ‘Finding the Balance’
Our Price submission is seeking to find the balance between price, service and our organisation being sustainable is delicate. Our plan has been developed in partnership with stakeholders and our customers and the process included an extensive engagement program. Our Price, Services, Future Plan keeps prices as low as possible for customers, whilst maintaining reliable services and being sustainable into the future.

You can download a copy of our submission here: South Gippsland Water Pricing Submission
You can download a copy of the ESC Final Decision here: South Gippsland Water final determination
Customer Outcomes & Our Performance
The price services future plan has a focus on customer outcomes developed in consultation with customers and includes commitments for;
- Outcome 1: Reliability
We will plan for the future, be reliable and minimise unplanned interruptions to services - Outcome 2: Water
Provide safe, clean drinking water - Outcome 3: Wastewater
Provide a safe wastewater service that contributes to the livability of our communities - Outcome 4: Environment
Be environmentally sustainable and adapt to a future impacted by climate variability - Outcome 5: Integrity
We will act with honesty, respect and strive to balance affordability, value-for-money and fairness