Monday, March 17th, 2014
Alberton Sewerage Scheme Community Update
South Gippsland Water has progressed with the construction of the Alberton Sewerage Scheme. The construction of the reticulation system is now about 95% complete and due to be finished within a week or two. The installation of pump unit tanks is around 75% complete and construction of the rising main to link Alberton to the Tarraville Wastewater Treatment Plant has commenced with the boring under the Tarra River already undertaken.
South Gippsland Water’s Managing Director Philippe du Plessis said that, “ Much of the construction of the sewer pipelines has involved directional boring, which has limited the need for open trenching and above ground disturbance. However, coming into the winter months, Alberton residents will notice that many of the contractors will depart. At this time the Corporation will need to wait for the arrival and installation of the Electrical Control Panels. This is scheduled for July and August and construction is due for completion. Testing and commissioning of the system is expected around August and September this year”.
South Gippsland Water staff have met with property owners where possible, to ascertain the best positioning for pump units on properties to assist in reducing plumbing and electrical connection costs for home owners.
Property owner costs for connection to the scheme vary dependent on individual property plumbing and electrical board location and conditions. The Corporation has continued to be proactive in encouraging community members to discuss their payment options & to assist any customer who may experience financial hardship.
Assistance programs include a twenty year payment plan, concessional tariffs, a range of payment options and the Water and Sewerage Hardship Relief Grant available through the Department of Human Services. Please contact South Gippsland Water for more information on any of these programs.
South Gippsland Water’s costing for the scheme remains at $10,000 per developed title allotment $5,000 per vacant title allotment. This figure has been stable throughout the project. As the Corporation is yet to let all tenders and complete construction of the Scheme, the total cost cannot yet be verified, however, it is anticipated that it will not exceed the quoted figure.
South Gippsland Water will not call for Scheme Contributions until the Scheme is operational (after August 2014) and once called for, property owners will be able to take up the finance option or pay their Contribution in full.
Landowners of Alberton who wish to consolidate titles in order to reduce their Scheme Contribution must be able to demonstrate that this activity is underway and documents lodged with Council prior to April 30, 2014.
Connection to the scheme (i.e. connecting your plumbing from your house into the pump unit) will not be until after the electrical control boards have been installed and the system is tested and commissioned (after August 2014). However, should you wish to contact a plumber or electrician in advance regarding this, South Gippsland Water has collated a list of plumbers and electricians who have expressed an interest in being contacted to perform connection works. It should be noted that South Gippsland Water gives no warranty as to work they may undertake or the choice of one tradesperson over another. However, South Gippsland Water will offer a quote review service, to help ensure value for money for Alberton homeowner’s.
Alberton residents who have questions or concerns regarding the sewerage scheme should contact South Gippsland Water on 1300 851 636.
Images: The Installation of a pump unit tank on a property in Alberton and the directional boring to run sewer pipelines has seen minimal above ground disturbance within the township.